unity3d特效插件 Hayate 2.0 | Particle Turbulence

  • unity3d特效插件 Hayate 2.0 | Particle Turbulence
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:11
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  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 620
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  • 品牌:
  • 货号:c88919ee818
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家daiyunchao081818



Hayate 2.0 | Particle Turbulence


Hayate 2.0 Demo.
Hayate 1.x Demo.

Hayate 2.0 is the successor of Hayate 1.X and comes with a new design, reworked code, better performance and a bunch of new features. If you are looking for particle turbulence working together with Shuriken, Hayate is the best choice. It is easy to set up, works on every platform and creates outstanding results. It is possible to create a turbulence field from built-in functions like sine, cosine and perlin but the most powerful new feature is the texture based turbulence. This brand new feature gives you perfect control over the turbulence characteristics. Some of the other features include:

-Mesh targets: Move particles from your particle system towards a mesh
-Transform particles: Use transforms as particles
-Follow point: Make particles follow a point (Vector & Transform)
-Create a turbulence field from Texture and Audio (Separate channel/ axis)
-Better performance: Use Sine, Cosine or Perlin for better performance while keeping naturalistic movement
-More options, better control
-Much more!!!

Check out the demo(s) to see what can be achieve with Hayate 2.0.
